VMware releases security patches

While virtualization still has a host of security advantages over its localized counterparts, it isn’t exempt from the attention of cyber attackers. Most recently, one of the industry’s leading software vendors, VMware, was forced to release a patch for a critical vulnerability that allowed underprivileged users to attain access to administrative rights. Let’s delve deeper […]

Cloud-based application virtualization

Virtualization has taken the IT world by storm, and if you’re not up to speed on exactly what that means, it’s time to change that. The service is no longer a paragon reserved for enterprise-level businesses, and with Microsoft and Citrix’s most recent announcement, it will soon be more accessible than ever. Whether you’re already […]

Telecoms offering network virtualization

Although merely mentioning the word ‘virtualization’ has the power to make people’s eyes glaze over, its value and relevance can’t be denied. Since VMware first launched their workstation client in 1999, the industry has seen steady expansion and engulfed a number of legacy network solutions. Network virtualization isn’t entirely new, but Verizon and AT&T’s commitment […]

Amazon Web Services’ simpler data migration

If your business has decided to make the move to virtualized servers and databases, there are countless variables you need to plan for during the migration process. In an effort to make the whole affair as painless as possible for SMBs, Amazon Web Services has created a tool to make migrations faster, cheaper and simpler […]

The 5 most popular virtualization platforms

Virtualization allows you to eliminate dependency on physical hardware limitations and software requirements. Exactly how you achieve that comes in a number of different solutions with even more confusing lingo and acronyms, but before you can tackle any of that it’s a good idea to go over the different companies providing the services. Below is […]

Enterprise level virtualization for clients

Server-hosted delivery of client applications is hardly new. Whether it was Microsoft Windows Terminal Services back in 1996 or the Remote Desktop Services of today, it has been around for a while now. With client virtualization, boundaries of traditional networks are done away with to allow rich client applications and environments to endpoints. Keep centrally […]

A guide to virtualization and licensing

Software developers make a profit by selling us the best product they can create. When selling pieces of their software in bulk they offer licensing packages to businesses so you don’t have to buy 100 copies of the same CD. Simple enough, right? Well, now that an increasing amount of services and tools are moving […]

Google Slides Q&A goes interactive

Presentations no longer have to be one-way transactions where presenters spoon feed information to participants. Until now, slideshow software didn’t offer a lot of opportunities for back-and-forth communication with your audience, leaving you to facilitate Q&A by yourself. However, with one simple software feature in the recent Slides update, Google has totally changed the way […]

The DR benefits of Virtualization

Many business owners think that Virtualization and Disaster Recovery are two separate services. And while that’s true in most respects, they actually have more in common than you think. Particularly in how Virtualization can serve as a legitimate Disaster Recovery solution. Here are the details of how it does just that, and some pointers to […]

How to manage virtualization security risks

While virtualization security is not often talked about, it is nevertheless important. Like all technology, securing your virtualized infrastructure is vital to the success of your business. So what are some of the security risks posed by virtualization? And how can you mitigate them? Here are some answers you should consider. Security risks of virtualization […]