How to reduce IT costs with thin and zero clients

If you want to save money on your IT system, one way to do so is by getting low-priced computer hardware. But that doesn’t mean you should settle for old or low-end models. Instead, consider investing in thin or zero clients. What are thin and zero clients? Thin clients are stripped-down computers with minimum processing […]

Cutting IT hardware costs with thin and zero clients

If you want to cut costs on IT hardware, don’t settle for cheap but old or low-quality machines. They’ll likely offer subpar performance, which will hurt your team’s productivity. What’s worse, they’ll likely break down often, too, which means the money you initially saved will go to repairs and upgrades. Instead of buying low-end machines, […]

How thin and zero clients can reduce IT costs

Businesses are always looking for ways to save a bundle without sacrificing growth. For a while, they believed that they had to buy workstations with their own processing power, RAM, and hard drive. But thanks to virtualization, companies can increase their revenue and get the computing processes they need with thin and zero clients. What […]

5 types of virtualization defined

Companies of all sizes are embracing virtualization as a way to cut IT expenses, enhance security, and increase operational efficiency. But while people are already aware of its benefits, many are still in the dark when it comes to the different types of virtualization. Here, we’ll show you some of the most common virtualization methods […]

How thin and zero clients save money

When you have several cost-effective options like cloud computing and managed services providers, IT spending should never get out of control. And if you want to cut back even further, trade in your expensive desktops for thin and zero clients. What are thin and zero clients? Thin clients are stripped-down computers with minimum processing power […]

Reviewing vSpace Pro 10

One of the newest and potentially most innovative virtual desktop platforms for businesses is vSpace 10 Pro, which has recently been released. If you are considering transitioning your business over to this new business tool, you will first want to get to know some of the potential benefits and drawbacks of vSpace 10 Pro. Read […]

Understanding the types of virtualization

For many businesses, managing and maintaining their entire hardware and software infrastructure can be a daunting and prohibitively expensive task. But with the inception of virtualization, this is no longer an issue. Virtualization allows businesses to maximize the use of their IT resources at a reduced cost – this is why it has become so […]