Arrange meetings with Microsoft FindTime

The art of organizing a meeting is much like chess. Each player has different possible moves, or availabilities; and it’s up to you to strategize which pieces to move where, or which events to schedule (or reschedule) when. The objective is to land on a square wherein all participants can attend, but achieving this goal […]

Telecoms offering network virtualization

Although merely mentioning the word ‘virtualization’ has the power to make people’s eyes glaze over, its value and relevance can’t be denied. Since VMware first launched their workstation client in 1999, the industry has seen steady expansion and engulfed a number of legacy network solutions. Network virtualization isn’t entirely new, but Verizon and AT&T’s commitment […]

SMBs on Facebook: 6 tips

Although some view Facebook as a strictly social platform reserved for selfies and political rants, its $350+ billion market value screams otherwise. While it isn’t something you should be shoveling money into, it probably is a sales avenue you’re neglecting. Aside from purchasing ads, there are a host of FREE ways to go about improving […]

Make plans with Office 365’s Bookings

Phoning your boss to justify why you couldn’t make it to the morning meeting is pretty bad, and going through this on a regular basis is even worse. But imagine being able to manage all your appointments and never miss a single one again — fortunately, the wait is over. Introducing Bookings, the latest service […]

Set your ransomed files free, for free

Similar to the shakedowns you see in mob movies where innocent shop owners are forced to pay “protection money,” deploying ransomware is a means of extortion. Computer hackers install it on your network to seize control of your company’s precious confidential data, then demand payment for its safe return. The way in which these nefarious […]

5 reasons why you should switch to HaaS

Hardware maintenance and upgrades can consume a big sum of your business’ time and money. But with Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS), a solution in which you pay a Managed Services Provider a subscription fee and let them take care of all your hardware-related issues, including upgrades, maintenance, and management, you can be sure of your hardware functionality […]

5 tips for cashing in on tech trends

What tech fads has your SMB recently written off as silly and not worth your time? 3D printing, internet of things…Pokémon GO? Juvenile as they may seem at first, these trends helped to make a lot of businesses a lot of money. Navigating the quickly rising and falling auspices of the tech world may seem […]

Diagnosing VoIP call-quality problems

VoIP telephone systems are going mainstream, largely because of the lower costs when compared to traditional landlines. But a budget-friendly phone system wouldn’t be worth the savings if it didn’t also promise easy set-up, advanced features, and reliability. So is making calls with a “Voice over IP” system truly dependable? Phones are an absolutely essential […]

Salesforce-Outlook add-on announced

A good business owner needs to occasionally put themselves into their employee’s shoes to get a better picture. Imagine you are a sales representative, most of your working time is split between email inbox and CRM software. All that jumping around between the two is going to become very problematic. But as of last month, […]