Should I choose virtualization or the cloud?

You’ve probably heard of cloud computing, but what about virtualization? Both are invaluable for small businesses, but it’s easy to mix them up. Learning the differences between these technologies can save you a lot of money, so let’s do a quick recap of how they work. Differences between cloud computing and virtualization Virtualization lets you […]

Google Chrome: New money-saving alert

The world’s most used browser, Google Chrome, is getting a new update in December this year. Chrome has had numerous versions, but its 71st version will come with an enhancement that will save users money. Read on to learn what the upcoming version of Chrome can do. The money-saving warning The Google Chrome update aims […]

Is your VoIP distributor right for you?

If you’re itching to switch your old phone system to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), you may be overwhelmed by the number of choices of distributors available. Many of them claim to be “the best” or “world-class” — but are they really? Can they meet your business needs? Before you choose a VoIP distributor, consider […]

How to protect your Office 365 data

For businesses, data security is critical. If this information is lost or stolen, it could lead to crippling financial losses, legal disputes, and more importantly, loss of customer trust. While Microsoft Office 365 comes with some security and compliance tools, it still needs the support of data protection best practices. Here are seven you should […]

The lowdown on cloud security

While many IT providers tout the revolutionary benefits of the cloud, very few address the security aspect of it. The fact is, when you’re using a cloud service, you’re moving information out of your hands and into a third party. So doesn’t it make sense to take precautions? Dropbox alone has had the accounts of […]

The right social media platform for your SMB

Social media marketing can be tricky simply because there are so many platforms to choose from. Your first instinct might be to choose Facebook because it is the biggest name in the industry and has the widest reach, but just because it’s effective for other businesses doesn’t mean it will also match your business goals. […]

Outdated firmware: An overlooked threat

Are you still using that old computer that is not-so gracefully aging and devaluing? Maybe you are running important programs on older machines with old operating systems since they “still work fine.” While it might still help you get the job done, there may be hidden security risks that can lead to major problems later […]

The benefits of technology business reviews

Businesses need technology to be profitable and productive. But not all technologies are capable of delivering on their perceived benefits. To make sure your investments are still worth keeping, you need to perform technology business reviews. What is a technology business review? A technology business review reveals the strengths and weaknesses of your company’s IT […]

Container facts you’re misunderstanding

Although both container and virtualization applications allow users to divvy up software and hardware more efficiently, containers have many advantages over virtualized machines. There are a number of misunderstandings though, and it’s time to set the record straight. Containers are made up of the bare minimum hardware and software requirements to allow a specific program […]

Don’t be a VoIP eavesdropping victim

As a business owner, you should be aware of the different cyberattacks that your company faces. One of these is voice over internet protocol (VoIP) eavesdropping. As cybercriminals constantly find new ways to infiltrate your business and steal critical data, now’s the time to implement the proper defenses for your VoIP phone systems. Change the […]