When it comes to purchasing new computers, buyers used to have limited choice for what kind of storage they got with their laptop or desktop PCs. But with the invention of the solid state drive (SSD), you can now configure your system with either the traditional hard disk drive (HDD), SSD, or in some cases […]
The difference between HDD and SSD
The keys to a successful Office 365 migration
Microsoft’s cloud-based Office 365 is a tool that promotes collaboration and productivity in the workplace – that’s just one of the many reasons businesses are adopting this powerful application. But migrating to the platform is not as simple as it might seem. There are many things to keep in mind, and it’s important that you […]
Don’t virtualize without answers
We’ve seen first hand just how beneficial office virtualization can be for small and medium-sized businesses. Of course the process isn’t as simple as snapping your fingers, or saying presto, and having a smooth running, virtualized office appear. It is a long process and you will have to answer a lot of questions. Here are […]
The difference between FXS and FXO
It’s easy to get lost in the confusion of FXS and FXO, especially if you’re a complete novice in matters of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). These terms are often used in the telecom world, and understanding their difference is the first step in choosing the right VoIP system that best suits your needs. Here’s […]
What to consider before you buy a new PC
The holiday season is approaching fast, and many people are currently looking to purchase presents for their loved ones. Tech items like computers are likely to be among the most popular gifts. But there are so many different computers out there, meaning that finding the perfect one can be difficult. We’ve outlined some tips that […]