How does virtualization improve business?

With virtualization, you can make software see several distinct computers even if there is only one, or make several computers register as one supercomputer. That may sound simple, but it’s far from it. Of course the benefits are well worth it; here are just a few. More technology uptime Virtualization vendors use fancy names for […]

Best uses for virtual desktops

Managing an office full of computers and mobile devices is a nightmare especially in regulated industries. But with a virtualized desktop infrastructure (VDI), employees can access all the features of a personal computer from almost any mobile device. Here are a few use cases for this emerging technology: Healthcare In an industry where every file […]

Virtualization isn’t as complex as you think

Small businesses can accomplish a lot by implementing virtualization technology on their office IT network. Unfortunately, many SMBs shy away from it because of some common misconceptions. If you fall into that category, there are at least four myths you should stop believing. Myth #1 – Virtualization is too expensive for SMBs Many people assume […]

The lowdown on virtualization and the cloud

Virtualization and cloud computing are two technologies that have long been confusing business owners. But that shouldn’t be the case. Understanding the differences between the cloud and virtualization is the fastest way to use these technologies to your greatest advantage. Virtualization Imagine a company with five servers, each assigned a single task such as storage, […]

How to get virtualization working

Do you have issues with enabling virtualization on your computer? Although this technology is known to be easy to implement and is supported by most modern computers, sometimes it still malfunctions. Hopefully, these tips can fix the issues. #1 Enable Virtualization in Your BIOS In most cases, virtualization won’t work because it’s disabled in your […]

The management drawbacks of virtualization

In the past decade, virtualization has been considered one of the most cost-effective business solutions. It’s supposed to prevent unnecessary hardware purchases and promote effective IT management, but there are some hidden drawbacks with this technology. This is why we’ve uncovered the following management issues that you were previously unaware of. Backup Incorporating a robust […]

Windows Server 2019 announced

Microsoft’s Windows Server operating systems are complicated enough to warrant their own certification program. However, small businesses can take full advantage of the features included in the latest version of this software by moving to an outsourced IT support model. Here’s what you miss out on if you keep everything in house.   Windows Server […]

Hypervisor security vulnerabilities

The virtualization trend is still going strong, offering businesses streamlined resource management and massive cost-saving potential, but just like every technology, it has its fair share of security risks. In fact, a virtualization solution is only as secure as the hypervisors that support it. What is a hypervisor and what are its risks? For those […]

Virtual desktops vs. Containers

It’s getting harder and harder for small-business owners to make informed IT decisions. There’s a paradox of choice as the market becomes overrun with solutions that are equal parts affordable and confusing. Today we’re going to make your life a little easier by breaking down why you should care about the virtual desktops vs. containers […]

Virtualization best practices for newbies

Deciding to invest in virtualization technology is one of the easiest decisions you can make. By consolidating computing resources into physical servers, businesses can enjoy easy IT management and massive cost savings. What’s not so easy, however, is the deployment process, which requires careful planning and implementation of best practices. Here’s what you need to […]